Brooks Plumbing Co. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Drain Cleaning’

Here Are the Answers to All Your Hydro-Jetting Questions

Monday, October 28th, 2019

white-question-mark-blue-backgroundThe hydro-jet is perhaps a plumber’s favorite tool. However, we find that many homeowners still have a lot of questions about how these nifty little devices work (okay, maybe little isn’t really the right word). In any case, the hydro-jet is the preferred method of cleaning drain pipes, as it uses highly pressurized water to scour out any debris that’s built up inside.

…But is it safe?

This is just one of many questions that homeowners frequently ask, so below, we’ve answered this question and many others to give you the peace of mind you deserve. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more (and of course, remember to call our team when you need a plumber in Yelm!)

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Does DIY Drain Cleaning Work?

Monday, September 30th, 2019

water-going-down-drainWe could answer this question with a simple “no”, but we figure we should explain why DIY drain cleaning methods are never as effective as hiring a professional plumber for the job. Yes, we understand that there are lots and lots of online tips and tricks, but if you want the job done right, scouring the internet certainly isn’t the answer.

Of course, there are some plumbing problems that do not require a professional — take, for instance, unclogging a clogged toilet with your handy dandy plunger! However, if you are looking for a true cleaning, toilet plungers and chemical drain cleaners simply won’t do. Below, we have compared some at-home drain cleaning solutions with professional drain cleaning tools, so you can decide for yourself which is best. Keep reading to find out more! (And of course, remember to schedule your plumbing in Tumwater, WA with our team!)

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Could Your Drains Use a Cleaning?

Monday, June 24th, 2019

pipe-burstYour drain and sewer system is arguably one of the most important parts of your plumbing system, so it’s no wonder why plumbers can’t stress enough the importance of regular drain cleaning services! You see, left undealt with, clogs and blockages will quickly build up inside your drain pipes, leading to all sorts of other issues. And, of course, you certainly don’t want that.

Many homeowners don’t know the signs that their drains are in need of a good cleaning, so below, we have listed some of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more. And remember, if you notice any of the following signs, be sure to schedule your drain cleaning services right away to keep your Olympia plumbing in good shape! 

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How Video Pipe Inspection Can Help You

Monday, May 27th, 2019

Your plumbing system is quite large, quite complex, and quite hidden from view. So, how is it that plumbers are able to pinpoint even the smallest issues? Surely, it’s impossible to spot pinpoint leaks in pipes hidden beneath floors and behind walls, right?

When you encounter problems with your drains, pipes, or even your main sewer line, you don’t want a plumber coming into your home and tearing your property apart. So, it is for this reason that plumbers now use video pipe inspection. This technology allows plumbers to see every detail of your plumbing system to locate an issue without ever having to dig through drywall or unhinge a floorboard to get to it. Below, we will explain how video pipe inspection works and how you can benefit from these services.

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Here’s Why You Should Invest in Hydro-Jetting

Monday, February 4th, 2019

Leaks and clogs in your plumbing system can wreak havoc on your home and property. Of course, many issues can go unnoticed simply because the majority of your plumbing system is tucked away behind walls and underneath floors. This is why it is especially important that you receive Olympia plumbing services regularly to avoid the costs and damages associated with major plumbing issues.

The best way to keep your plumbing out of harm’s way is to tackle problems head-on, both by reducing the risks of them forming and scheduling prompt repairs when they occur. There is one method that plumbers utilize that does both: hydro-jetting. This method of drain cleaning is used both proactively and reactively, making it a worthwhile investment for homeowners all across Washington. Keep reading to learn more. 

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Keep Store-Bought Cleaners Away from Your Drains!

Monday, December 11th, 2017

water going down a drainDrain clogs are an unfortunate reality, and one that many homeowners have to deal with at some time or another. However, clogs are also one of those things that people address incorrectly. When a clog develops in a drain, most people reach for some type of store-bought drain cleaner to manage the problem. This is actually not a good way to deal with it at all. Keep reading to learn why you instead want to trust your drain cleaning needs to trusted Lakewood, WA plumbing professionals.

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Drain Cleaning: When Do You Need It?

Monday, August 21st, 2017

clearing of blocked hammered polluted black metal U siphon for wash basin, sanitary devices, plumbing fixtures red special means cleanser with bubbles. For labels of cleaners, printed materialsThe drain and sewer system of your Tumwater, WA home is one of the most important parts of your plumbing system, if not the most important part. If it isn’t well cared for, it can create serious problems for the entire plumbing system. Fortunately, though, it’s actually fairly easy to keep your drain system in good shape.

You need just remember to schedule drain cleaning services on a routine basis. But how do you know when it’s time to do so? Keep reading to learn some of the signs to look for, which indicate a drain cleaning session should be a priority for you.

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When You Need Drain Cleaning, Trust the Professionals

Monday, March 20th, 2017

drain-cleaningThe drains and pipes of your plumbing system probably aren’t something you think about a whole lot. That is, until something goes wrong with them. And even then, you’re likely tempted to go out and by a chemical drain cleaner, or perhaps even attempt drain snaking on your own to remove a stubborn clog.

First off, store-bought chemical drain cleaners can actually do more harm than good—clogging up your drains even further and even causing corrosion. Attempting drain snaking on your own—without the appropriate training, experience, or knowledge of how to use the tools involved—can end in property damage and personal injury. What you need instead are professional drain snaking services in Dupont, WA.

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The Problem with Store-Bought Drain Cleaner

Monday, October 31st, 2016

When your sink or bathtub has a clog, what’s your first instinct? If you are like the average homeowner, it’s likely to go get some store-bought chemical cleaner to use as a tool to eliminate the blockage. Products such as this are extremely popular, and correctly advertised as a “quick and inexpensive” way to relieve your clogged sink, shower, or bathtub.

However, our professional plumbers recommend that you not use them. Why is that, you ask? These chemical mixtures have a variety of severe side-effects that can actually hurt your plumbing, the people in your home, and the environment. Keep reading to learn about why we discourage store-bought drain cleaner.

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Signs of Long-Term Drain Clogs

Monday, April 4th, 2016

Clogs in your drain are hardly uncommon and residents of Lacey, WA will have to deal with them sooner or later. We usually recommend a professional plumber for such situations, though mild clogs can sometimes be undone by a store-bought solution. More troubling is the reoccurrence of clogs over the course of time, when it seems like every week or so you’re dealing with a back-up in your system. This is definitely a sign that something is amiss, and you definitely need a plumber to get ahold of the problem properly. Long-term clogs can be caused by damage to the pipes, from general corrosion, or from older clogs that weren’t cleared away properly (one of the reasons why we recommend professional service for every clog). Signs of long-term drain clogs can take on many forms, and can include the following:

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