Brooks Plumbing Co. Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

Is It Time for Whole-House Repiping?

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

Surely, replacing all of the pipes in your home is a large undertaking — but don’t stress just yet! Whole-house repiping is a service that is performed only when it is absolutely necessary.

Of course, though, there are quite a few cases in which whole-house repiping is going to be the best solution, especially if you’re dealing with multiple plumbing problems. And if it is done right, it will ensure your plumbing system will work efficiently and effectively for many decades to come.

But still, how do you know that whole-house repiping is the best option for your home? Well for one, you can always call in a professional plumber in Tenino, WA for advice, and two, you can keep reading below! We have listed some of the signs that it might be time to repipe your home.

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Is It Time to Let Go of Your Water Heater?

Monday, July 8th, 2019

We absolutely get it: letting go of your water heater can certainly be hard, and of course, you have every right to be sad about it. However, we discourage you from being too sad about, especially because installing a new water heater can certainly be exciting — there are just so many benefits of doing so!

There are plenty of signs that suggest it’s time to let go of an older, outdated water heater, and below, we have listed some of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading below to find out more! (And remember to contact our team when you need plumbing in Tumwater, WA.)

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Could Your Drains Use a Cleaning?

Monday, June 24th, 2019

pipe-burstYour drain and sewer system is arguably one of the most important parts of your plumbing system, so it’s no wonder why plumbers can’t stress enough the importance of regular drain cleaning services! You see, left undealt with, clogs and blockages will quickly build up inside your drain pipes, leading to all sorts of other issues. And, of course, you certainly don’t want that.

Many homeowners don’t know the signs that their drains are in need of a good cleaning, so below, we have listed some of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more. And remember, if you notice any of the following signs, be sure to schedule your drain cleaning services right away to keep your Olympia plumbing in good shape! 

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Your Guide to Installing a New Water Heater

Monday, June 10th, 2019

Owning a great water heater is absolutely essential to your comfort — stepping into a hot shower is perhaps the *best* feeling in the world! And without a great water heater, how would you wish the dishes, do your laundry, or enjoy a bath after a long day at the office?

So, if your hot water heater is no longer getting the job done, it might do you well to consider installing a new one. Now, we know what you’re thinking, and yes, installing a new water heater can certainly be a little overwhelming. But, that’s why we are here to help!

Below, we have provided you with a sort of quick-guide to installing a new water heater. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more! 

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How Video Pipe Inspection Can Help You

Monday, May 27th, 2019

Your plumbing system is quite large, quite complex, and quite hidden from view. So, how is it that plumbers are able to pinpoint even the smallest issues? Surely, it’s impossible to spot pinpoint leaks in pipes hidden beneath floors and behind walls, right?

When you encounter problems with your drains, pipes, or even your main sewer line, you don’t want a plumber coming into your home and tearing your property apart. So, it is for this reason that plumbers now use video pipe inspection. This technology allows plumbers to see every detail of your plumbing system to locate an issue without ever having to dig through drywall or unhinge a floorboard to get to it. Below, we will explain how video pipe inspection works and how you can benefit from these services.

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Plumbing 911, What’s Your Emergency?

Monday, May 13th, 2019

plumbing-emergencyThe last thing that any homeowner would want to deal with a plumbing emergency: they’re messy, they’re yucky, and they can lead to all sorts of damage to your home and property. Of course, it’s impossible to prevent all emergencies, however, you do have the ability to contact your local emergency plumber as soon as disaster strikes!

Unfortunately, many homeowners don’t know what “qualifies” as a plumbing emergency and are often left to face the problem on their own. Therefore, we have provided a list of some of the most common plumbing emergencies so you can jump into action ASAP! All you have to do is keep reading below to find out more!

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NEVER Throw These Items Down Your Garbage Disposal

Monday, April 29th, 2019

You wouldn’t flush fruit pits or rinds down your toilet, so why treat your kitchen plumbing any differently? It might sound crazy, but the pipes underneath your kitchen sink are no different than the pipes leading out of your bathroom, and therefore need to be treated with the same level of care. Yes, owning a garbage disposal in DuPont is a great way to reduce the risk of clogs, but garbage disposals were not designed to handle everything that homeowners throw their way. In fact, there are a variety of things that should never be thrown down your garbage disposal.

In case you aren’t sure what can and can not be thrown down your garbage disposal, keep reading below! We have provided our list of garbage disposal dos and don’ts. 

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What Might Be Clogging Your Drains?

Monday, April 15th, 2019

woman under sink with worried expression on her faceClogged drains are certainly annoying — standing in a swamp of water after a shower is definitely uncomfortable and clogged kitchen sinks make cooking and cleaning difficult… There are all sorts of things that can cause a clogged pipe in your home, and whether or not you like to admit it, many of the items that you throw down your drains every day contribute to these blockages. Of course, a blockage is the last thing that any homeowner would want to deal with, so it is important to call a professional plumber for your clogged drain in DuPont right away if you have a problem.

Fortunately, though, a number of clogs can be avoided simply by being aware of the items and substances that contribute to them. Therefore, we have listed the most common things that might be causing your drains to clog. Keep reading below to find out more! 

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Here’s Why You Need Regular Plumbing Services

Monday, April 1st, 2019

There are a number of reasons why homeowners do not contact their local plumbers when there is a problem with their plumbing systems. Often, though, the reason is that they are blissfully unaware that there is even a problem brewing.

Therefore, homeowners wind up waiting until disaster strikes to make the phone call. Of course, this is the last thing that you would want to happen, which is why it is so important to detect plumbing issues early.

As you know, your plumbing in Olympia, WA is vital to your everyday life. An efficient plumbing system provides clean water for bathing, drinking, cleaning, and etc. Like all other systems in our homes, our plumbing systems need regular upkeep and maintenance services to prevent problems in the first place. It pays to be proactive, and below, we are going to explain why.

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Do I Need a Sump Pump?

Monday, March 18th, 2019

If you’ve ever had a pipe burst in your home, you know just how extensive the damage can be. Water rising in your basement can spell serious trouble for your furnishings, your walls, and your electronic appliances. Not to mention that repairing all of that damage can be quite costly. Now, imagine just how much damage can accrue when there is a major rainstorm or even a flood? The results of those events can be devastating.

So, what do you do to prevent flooding in your home? Today, one of the most effective methods of removing water from your home is to install a sump pump. By installing one of these systems, you won’t have to worry about the effects of a pipe leak or a flood. So, consider upgrading your plumbing in Yelm with the addition of a sump pump. Keep reading below to learn more. 

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