Brooks Plumbing Co. Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

How to Tell If Your Pipes Need Replacing

Monday, February 7th, 2022

hands-holding-corroded-pipesHave you ever heard of repiping? This is the plumbing process where all your faulty piping in your home is stripped down and replaced with all new pipes. In most cases, this doesn’t mean that your professional plumbers can just pop into one section of your home and replace a small length of plumbing–if all your plumbing is aging, chances are we’ll have to replace all your pipes.

Repiping, then, isn’t one of those services you want to just jump into. First, you want to know that you actually need it! We can confirm this for you, but in the meantime, we have some signs for you to watch out for that indicate you may in fact be in need of this plumbing service. Read on to learn more!

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Signs That It’s Time for a New Water Heater

Monday, January 10th, 2022

water-heaterIf it’s the middle of summer and you’ve just been outside, then there is no better feeling in the world than a nice, cold shower–especially if your outdoor activities included any kind of exercise.

However, being surprised by a cold shower when you were expecting a hot or at least warm one is another story entirely.

In the first scenario, you probably wouldn’t be concerned at all about the state of your water heater, while in the second scenario you’d probably be rushing to find a new water heater!

Of course, we don’t want you to wait around for this unpleasant surprise before starting to shop for a new water heater. We think it would be nice if you knew with plenty of warning that your water heater is starting to fail, so you can replace it sooner rather than later. The good news is, there are actually plenty of symptoms you can watch out for to get this prior warning. Read on to learn what they are.

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How to Prevent Frozen Pipes

Monday, December 6th, 2021

frozen-and-burst-pipeIf you’ve lived here for even just a year, then you know that even though we don’t get the bitter weather that our neighbors in the Midwest get, our winters still pack a punch! We’re still likely to have below-freezing temperatures when winter is upon us, at least at night. This of course means you want to be set up with an effective and efficient heating system to keep you and your family warm. But what about keeping your plumbing warm?

Take a moment with us to consider this–is your plumbing system ready for freezing temperatures? It’s easier than you might realize for your pipes to freeze up in cold weather. And the problem isn’t necessarily that they freeze, but what happens when they begin to thaw–they burst. Fortunately, it’s not winter yet, and you have plenty of time to prevent this problem from happening. That’s right, it is preventable!

We want to help you avoid a plumbing mishap this year, read on for some tips on how to do so.

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How to Avoid One of the Most Common Plumbing Repair Calls

Monday, November 8th, 2021

family-gathered-around-kitchen-table-for-holiday-mealFirst, you’re probably wondering, after reading the title of this blog post, what the most common plumbing repair calls are. Clogged drains top the list. And the most likely time for us to get this kind of call is over the holiday season. So while you’re making plans to have family and friends over for Thanksgiving or any other holiday festivities, it’s important to be aware of your plumbing system.

Whether it’s clogged drains, jammed up garbage disposals, clogged bathroom plumbing, or overwhelmed water heaters, we get a lot of calls throughout the holiday season as homeowners welcome more people into their households at once than any other time of the year. So, before Thanksgiving approaches and you have your next big family meal, read this blog post, and learn at least one way to avoid a holiday plumbing mishap.

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Does Your Commercial Plumbing System Need Repair?

Monday, October 11th, 2021

commercial-bathroom-sinksWhether you just started your own business within a commercial space or bought some commercial property, there is a lot to consider to keep your business successful, right? You need to work with many different people to keep your business running smoothly, and it can be stressful. The last thing on your mind is likely the commercial plumbing within your building. Unfortunately, not considering this important aspect could leave you with problems.

It’s important to think about your commercial plumbing. It’s so much more vast than residential plumbing and therefore the things that can go wrong have bigger consequences. Read on as we uncover what type of repair needs you might face, and why you need an experienced commercial plumber for the job.

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Here’s the Reason Your Tankless Water Heater Needs a Tune-Up

Monday, September 13th, 2021

tankless-water-heater-on-wallThe typical water heater type found in most modern homes is the tank water heater–large and noticeable, sometimes even a little noisy. In other words, it would be pretty hard to not pay attention to it, right? So, you probably already know that it would need an occasional tune-up. After all, it can suffer from scaling–which is a buildup of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and sometimes iron. This scaling can create problems with water pressure, corrosion, and the temperature of the water. As a result, tank water heaters need to be flushed out once a year.

It may seem to you, then, that a tankless water heater doesn’t need maintenance. This just isn’t the case though. In fact, much of the maintenance done for conventional tank water heaters is actually pretty close to what is needed for a tankless system. Read on as we uncover why your tankless water heater needs tune-ups just as much as a tank water heater would.

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Common Commercial Plumbing Problems to Be Aware Of

Monday, August 16th, 2021

commercial-bathroom-sinksIf you own commercial space or run a business inside one, then you already know that the plumbing system isn’t anything like a residential plumbing system–it’s much more complex! So when a problem comes up and it’s not addressed quickly, it can have drastic consequences. Businesses and buildings that suffer from plumbing catastrophes are open to litigation depending on the type of property it is–especially if you have employees or tenants relying on the building’s safety.

This all said you can be prepared for commercial plumbing problems. They’ll never happen at a convenient time–what kind of emergencies do? But you don’ need to panic. We’re about to go over some of the most common commercial plumbing issues so you’re aware of them and can give us a call before they turn into huge emergencies.

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How to Give Your Bathroom Plumbing an Upgrade

Monday, July 19th, 2021

lady-looking-under-sink-at-leaking-pipeSpring and summertime are often popular seasons for homeowners to make upgrades to their homes. Have you been considering one yourself? Maybe you’re tired of the dated look in your bathroom, or you want to start using more efficient plumbing appliances. Whatever the case, you’ve found the right blog post, and the right plumbing team to help you out.

When it comes to remodeling your bathroom, you want to ensure that all aspects of the remodel are overlooked by a trained and experienced professional. This is the best way to avoid mistakes and get the most out of your bathroom area.

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Does Your Home Need Repiping?

Monday, June 21st, 2021

old-pipe-that-has-sprung-a-leakJust like any other component of your home, your plumbing pipes wear down over the years, with some materials aging quicker than others. At some point in your homeownership, especially if your home is more than a couple decades old, you may need pipe relining, repair, or complete home repiping. This is an extensive job, but one that our professional plumbers are very familiar with and highly skilled at managing. Plus you’ll benefit in a number of ways from whole house repiping! Namely, you won’t have to worry about any surprise plumbing leaks or repair needs for many years.

Of course, we understand that nobody really wants to invest in a plumbing project like this. It’s not exactly the most convenient or fun thing to have done. But managing it sooner rather than later can help prevents years of problems, including higher water bills than necessary and even potential property damage from leaks and the like. But how do you know when it’s time for repiping? Aside from having a professional plumbing inspection done, are there signs you can watch out for?

There sure are! Read on to learn what they are.

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Things That Should Never Go Down Your Sink Drains

Monday, April 26th, 2021

sink-drainBefore you go throwing a banana peel down the garbage disposal or letting a wad of hair circle down the drain of your bathroom sink, read this blog post!

While drains are meant to wash away wastewater, there’s a lot of types of waste they can’t handle. This is especially true for kitchen sink drains. Too often, homeowners assume that if they have a garbage disposal system, that system can handle anything you give it, but that’s simply not the case.

Read on as we uncover what shouldn’t go down your sink drains.

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