Brooks Plumbing Co. Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

Why You Should Never Conduct Plumbing Repairs Yourself

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

When it comes to home plumbing, many people fancy themselves DIY experts because they have a box of wrenches, some extra gaskets, and the willpower to get jobs done inexpensively on their own. Self-sufficiency and economy are admirable goals… but there are some important reasons why you need to leave plumbing repairs any more complex than using a sink plunger to trained professionals, as we’ll explain.

Finding dedicated and skilled plumbers to handle any repairs for plumbing in Tumwater, WA is simple: call up Brooks Plumbing, where our skilled team has helped keep plumbing healthy since 1994. We aim for “Quality in Everything We Do.”

Why you must leave plumbing repairs to professionals

  • Professionals have the right tools: A box of different-sized wrenches does not a professional plumber make. Contemporary plumbing requires a range of high-end equipment that goes beyond wrenches. For example, professional plumbers use hydro-jetters and mechanical drain snakes to handle clogs, and to locate leaks they use intricate sound equipment and pressure sensors. All of this equipment is expensive and difficult to operate, so you should only trust professionals when it comes to repairs.
  • Professionals have the time and dedication: Unless you are a professional plumber, you won’t have the time and focus necessary to handle important plumbing tasks. (Not to mention that, without proper training, it will take you much longer to do any repairs.) Professional plumbers will dedicate their time and effort to making sure you have the best repairs necessary.
  • Professionals will protect your home: Amateur plumbing repair poses a major risk to your home if it goes wrong. Plumbing errors can lead to leaking and even flooding, causing a chain reaction of problems that will cause you to need to call up professionals eventually. Avoid potential catastrophes in your plumbing and bring on the experts from the beginning.
  • Professionals will save you money: In plumbing, DIY will rarely cut down on your costs—it will create more costs because of the need for additional repairs, the drain on your time, and the potential to waste water from improperly executed work. Hiring a professional will cut down on later expenses.

So when you need leaky pipes fixed, a water heater replaced, or a tough clog cleared, don’t reach for a tool belt… reach for the phone instead and call Brooks Plumbing. We can perform repairs for your plumbing in Tumwater, WA that will keep your water flowing.

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3 Protections for Your Plumbing Against Flooding

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

In a city that receives as much rain as Olympia, flooding in your basement or ground floor of your house is always a frightening possibility—especially if you live on land with a high water-table. Even minor flooding can cause extensive property damage, ruin items in storage, and lead to structural weaknesses.

You do have options to help protect against flooding, however. Along with a number of home improvements recommended by the EPA, you can have protections added to your plumbing in Olympia, WA that will remove flood waters from your home and prevent wastewater from entering through your pipes. Contact Brooks Plumbing today to learn about the ways we can protect you from flood damage.

3 plumbing protections from flooding:

  1. Pedestal sump pump: Sump pumps are one of the main ways you can protect your basement from flooding and excess water seepage. (They can do wonders in non-catastrophic situations as well, removing moisture that can lead to damaging and unhealthy mold and mildew.) Sump pumps are motorized pumps that remove gathered water from a sump (a depression made to collect water) and remove it to a waste line. A pedestal sump pump sits above the sump and draws up the water through a pipe when a float detects a rise in water level.
  2. Submersible sump pump: The other popular option for sump pumps is a submersible model. These pumps sit down in the sump itself and draw water directly into their intakes. The water-tight motor then pumps out the excess water. Submersible pumps are generally more efficient and powerful at water-removal, but require more stringent maintenance because of their exposure to water. A good sump pump, whether pedestal or submersible, should last you about 10 years.
  3. Check valves in drains and pipes: Have plumbers install non-return valves, or check-valves, onto drains in the ground floor. These will prevent wastewater from flowing back into your property through the sewage pipes.

Whatever method or methods you choose to use, have professionals help you with the installation. It’s important that sump pumps remove their water to a place that will not cause flooding elsewhere, and professional plumbers will help make sure of this during installation. You will also need professionals to check and maintain your sump pumps to make sure they are not suffering damage because of acidic or dirty water.

Brooks Plumbing can help you install a variety of flood protections, and we offer maintenance and repairs for pedestal and submersible sump pumps. When it comes to protecting your plumbing in Olympia, WA, you can trust our thirty years of experience.

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3 Types of Bathroom Sinks to Consider

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

When people think of adding a new sink for their bathroom remodel, they often consider two basic kinds of modern sinks: the under-mount/top-mount model (a sink set down into the surface of a cabinet and mounted the counter with clips from underneath) and the drop-in model (similar to an under-mount, except a lip around the edge supports it from falling through the hole). However, there are some interesting style options available that can enhance your bathroom plumbing in Olympia, WA during a remodel.

Here are three models that we think you should consider as alternatives:

For any level of bathroom remodeling you are looking for, from replacing the sink to a complete re-do of all the fixtures, you can find the service you need at Brooks Plumbing. We carry many types of fixtures and furnishings so you can design your new bathroom the way you want.

1. Wall-mount sinks

These sinks attach directly to the wall and extend outward like a ledge. The plumbing underneath is exposed, although designed to look unobtrusive and fit in with the rest of the décor. Wall mount sinks give an immense feeling of space to a bathroom, and what they may lose in cabinet storage, they make up for in additional floor space and forward-looking modern design beauty.

2. Pedestal sinks

If you would prefer to have vintage charm to your bathroom rather than the sleek modern style of a wall-mount sink, then a pedestal sink is a great choice. (There are modern-looking designs as well.) Pedestal sinks take up less room than most other sinks, so if you are designing a small bathroom or wish to save space for another appliance, a pedestal sink is one of the best options available.

3. Vessel sinks

A vessel sink creates an interesting optical illusion for a bathroom: it looks like a large, independent bowl set on a table underneath a faucet attached to the wall. However, the bowl is set into the table, with plumbing underneath. Vessel sinks look extremely attractive and stand out as a feature in the bathroom, and this is a case where the material you choose for the sink will have an enormous effect on the appearance of the bathroom. They are distinctive and also simple to install.

Each type of sink, whether the three above or the more traditional drop-in and under-mount models, have disadvantages, and choosing one depends on the design scheme of the bathroom, your requirements for space, and the amount of maintenance and upkeep you’re prepared to do. However, speaking with an experienced bathroom remodeler will help you make the best choice to elevate your old bathroom into something beautiful, spacious, and relaxing.

Call Brooks Plumbing to talk to our remodeling specialists and learn how we can help your bathroom design and bathroom plumbing in Olympia, WA.

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Problems Addressed by Commercial Plumbing Repair

Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

Commercial plumbing problems can have a devastating effect on your business. Your employees can’t do their jobs if they can’t use the sink or the bathroom, and plumbing problems for a restaurant or catering business means you won’t be able to properly prepare your food. Here in Olympia, plumber services need to be able to differentiate between plumbing needs in the home and those faced by a commercial endeavor. Commercial plumbing repair services are well versed in the unique problems face by businesses with plumbing issues.

Here’s a short list of some common problems addressed by commercial plumbing repair:

  • Code upgrades.  Businesses, schools and other endeavors with commercial plumbing issues need to comply with federal, state and local codes as to their safety and functioning. Those codes frequently change, but you can’t always keep up with them, since you have a business to run. A good commercial plumbing service will keep abreast of the latest codes, and can perform upgrades to ensure that your plumbing system stays up to date.
  • Grease traps. Grease traps work to prevent clogs by catching the fat, oil and other waste products produced when you cook. This is of especial concern to commercial plumbing systems since restaurants handle large amounts of food and grease can build up very quickly. A commercial plumbing service can handle any problems with your grease trap, and ensure that your drain flow remains free and clear.
  • Clogged floor drains. A clogged floor drain can bring your business to a halt: preventing proper cleaning of the floors and even flooding your kitchen area in the right circumstances. Efficiency in these cases means working quickly: unclogging the floor drain to let you get back to work and then rooting out the source of the problem to make sure it doesn’t return.

If you encounter any problems addressed by commercial plumbing repair, then make sure you contact a service that can handle commercial issues, and not just residential plumbing. Plumbing services can be provided by an Olympia plumber at Brooks Plumbing. We work quickly and efficiently, and we’re dedicated to keeping your commercial plumbing system functioning at the best possible level. Call us today to set up an appointment. You’ll be glad you did!

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3 Common Repairs for Commercial Plumbing Systems

Monday, February 17th, 2014

Plumbing for businesses is not much different at the basic level than plumbing for homes. The difference lies in scope. Not only is the plumbing system of a business much more extensive than in a home, it also receives far more use and must handle an enormous volumes of fresh water and wastewater. Providing repairs for commercial plumbing systems requires special skill and equipment. It also requires plumbers who know city codes and will make sure that your plumbing meets those requirements.

Brooks Plumbing has provided quality service for residential and commercial plumbing in Olympia, WA since 1994. We are available all day, every day, for the highly trained assistance you need to keep your business’s plumbing working.

3 repairs we often do for commercial plumbing

  • Unclogging drains: No matter where you are, from a small cabin to a huge warehouse, plugged drains are problems. If your business has restrooms or a kitchen, you will probably run into clogs more often than any other problem. Unlike residential clogs, which are often solvable with a plunger, commercial systems receive enough use that clogs will require professional assistance to eliminate.
  • Sewer line repairs: As a business owner, you are responsible for the sewer line that carries all the wastewater from your property until it reaches the municipal line on the street. Damage to this main line (which often happens because of construction projects) can lead to catastrophic problems, such as flooding in bathrooms and damage to the foundations of the building. Basement storage areas are especially susceptible. These fixes are often extensive, but they need to be taken care of by professionals immediately.
  • Sealing leaks/pipe replacement: One of the most frequent troubles that can occur in a business is collapsing ceiling tiles because of water leakage. All building material will suffer damage when leaks occur, but the light material of ceiling tiles is the quickest to deteriorate. However, this is an excellent warning sign of leaking trouble, since most pipe leaks occur out of sight until they become serious problems. Professional plumbers can use leak detection equipment to locate all the pipe leaks and stop the potential damage it can do to the building. Plumbers can seal leaks or perform pipe replacements if necessary.

If something goes wrong with your business’ plumbing in Olympia, WA, you can’t procrastinate about having it repaired. You need to call a service that can deliver the repairs you need as soon as you need them. Make sure you call Brooks Plumbing when you need immediate help for your commercial plumbing needs.

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What Is a Sump Pump and How Does It Help My Plumbing?

Monday, January 27th, 2014

In a place that receives as much rain around the year—especially during the winter months—as Washington State, one of the potential problems that homeowners face is basement flooding. But even if your home does not experience major flooding issues, water can slowly seep into the basement and become a chronic problem. It doesn’t take much water to cause thousands of dollars of damage

This is where a sump pump can become one of the most useful appliances in your home. To contact a plumber in Olympia, WA who can install a sump pump to remedy your flooding and water problems, look to Brooks Plumbing. We’ve served the Olympia area since 1994… 20 years of excellent service.

Sump pump basics

A sump pump is a water pump that is installed in your basement, where it takes excess water from flooding or chronic seepage and then uses a motorized pump to remove it out into a drainage system. There are two basic types of sump pumps: the submersible sump pump and the pedestal pump. A submersible pump sits down within a depression (sump pit) where the water collects and stays beneath the water. It draws water into an intake and them pumps it out. A pedestal sump pump sits above the sump pit and uses a float to determine when the water level is too high. It then turns on and pumps out the water until the level is restored.

If you have a sump pump with the power correctly matched to the amount of water entering into your basement, you won’t have to worry about water build-up that can damage your home’s foundations or enter other parts of the house. Keeping water out of the basement will also prevent the growth of mildew and other unwanted bacteria.

According to the American Society of Home Inspectors, more than 60% of homes in the U.S. have below-ground wetness, so a sump pump is an important addition to assisting plumbing for many homes. The percentage of homes with dampness issues is much higher for a place like Olympia with our frequent rains, so you should consider a sump pump installation to help keep your home dry, safe, and free from unnecessary developing repair needs.

Call Brooks Plumbing today to speak to one of our Olympia, WA plumbers who has experience with sump pump installation. The plumber will be able to tell you all the details you need to know about sump pump installation and maintenance. There are few better additions to your plumbing than a sump pump, and few places better suited to installing one than Brooks Plumbing.

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Common Kitchen Plumbing Repairs

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in a home, and keeping all the appliances in it working in top condition is important for enjoyable daily living. The most crucial component of all in a kitchen is its plumbing: without running water, it’s impossible to cook, clean, run the dishwasher, or even get ice from a refrigerator’s ice-maker.

Here is a list of the more common kitchen repairs that plumbers need to perform. This will help you know where to look for problems in the future, as well as how to avoid them. For your plumbing repair in Olympia, WA, turn to a company that has served the city with quality work since 1994: Brooks Plumbing.

Frequent kitchen repairs

  • Garbage disposal fixes: The garbage disposal in a kitchen does a tremendous amount of work daily. Considering how much food product goes down into a garbage disposal, it’s surprising that they don’t break down more often. When disposals do break, it usually because of jamming of the flywheel or clogging from items that shouldn’t have gone down into it. (Important tip: if you can’t chew it, your garbage disposal can’t dispose of it—so put whatever it is in the garbage instead.) Don’t risk sticking your hand down the disposal: call in a plumber to take care of the problem. Sometimes the whole disposal unit might need replacement.
  • Unclogging drains: Drain clogs, along with pipe leaks, are the most common troubles that can affect the plumbing in a home. Drain clogs are especially common in the kitchen because of all the organic material that does down them. Drainpipes will begin to develop a lining of build-up that can lead to clogging—especially if liquid grease, fat, and oil have been poured down the drain. (These liquids should be disposed of separately.) Plumbers can clear thick clogs as well as do thorough drain cleaning to eliminate organic build-up.
  • Replacing leaking drain baskets: Some drain baskets are made of poor quality material, and they will soon develop leaks. In most cases, it is easiest for the plumber to replace the basket with one made of better material. A professional plumber will identify the perfect replacement part to ensure that you won’t need a replacement any time in the near future.

Take good care of your plumbing

As you can tell from reading above, you can help your kitchen plumbing stay healthy by keeping certain items out of the drains. Another way to keep it healthy is with regular maintenance from plumbing professionals to catch potential leaks, loose connections, and organic build-up. Call Brooks Plumbing today for maintenance or plumbing repair in Olympia, WA.

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How to Tell You Need Sewer Line Repair Service

Tuesday, December 17th, 2013

You cannot see your sewer line, and you probably don’t want to think about it much… but it handles an important task for your home’s comfort and sanitation. All the waste water lines in your home’s plumbing connect to the sewer line, which then transports the sewage to the sewer main that beneath the center of the street. The city is responsible for the main sewer line, but you, the homeowner, have the responsibility for repairing your sewer line should it sustain damage.

Although the sewer line is hidden from your sight, there are ways to tell if it has sustained damage because of construction, tree root infiltration, or aging material. Call in a plumber in Olympia, such as Brooks Plumbing, if you notice any of these signs:

Gurgling noises in the drains

If the sewage line starts to back up because of damage, one of the first places you will notice it is in the drains of your sinks. If you hear strange gurgling sounds emanating from the drains after you run water down them, it means air trapped in the sewage below is getting released into the water above.

Slow drains around the house

As the blockage rises higher into the pipes, you will start to notice slow drains throughout your home. A slow drain in one place usually means a simple clog, but if the problem appears in all your drains, it’s a strong signal that a broken sewer line is at fault.

Stains and foul odors in the basement

One place in your house that is particularly in danger from a backed-up sewer line is your basement. If you spot rings of water around the drains in your basement, or smell noxious sewer odors from down there, then you need to call for professional inspection on the sewer line immediately.

Changes in toilet water levels

This is connected to the problem with the slow drains: if it happens with only one toilet, it usually means an isolated problem. But if the toilet levels around the house start to become irregular, then there is a deeper problem with the plumbing.

Unpleasant smells from the front lawn

Leaking sewage from a broken line will begin to surface in the yard above the break. Call for a plumber if your lawn starts to develop an unpleasant, septic odor.

Sewer lines are buried too far for you to attempt to repair them on your own (and you don’t want to accidentally cause damage to the municipal sewer line). Bring in a professional plumber in Olympia, WA when you see the signs that you have problems with your vital sewer line. Brooks Plumbing has served Olympia since 1994, and we can handle any plumbing trouble you have.

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Common Problems with Garbage Disposal Units

Monday, December 9th, 2013

Garbage disposals are one of the best conveniences in modern kitchens, but with all the work that they need to do, they can occasionally malfunction. Here are a few problems with garbage disposals that we often encounter in our work. Call Brooks Plumbing when you need assistance with a malfunctioning garbage disposal unit. We handle all types of plumbing repair services in Tumwater, WA.

Before getting started, keep in mind The Golden Rule of Garbage Disposal Problems: Thou shalt never stick thy hand down into a garbage disposal. If you can’t solve the problem from outside the disposal unit, call a professional to handle the trouble.

Some common garbage disposal problems:

  • Clogs from grease, oil, and fat: You may have heard warnings to never pour liquid oil, grease, or fat down your kitchen drains. Unfortunately, people often misinterpret this advice to think that it does not apply to garbage disposals, because they are supposed to process food. But garbage disposals still link to a drain pipe, and so when those liquids cool and solidify into a waxy substance, they can still end up clogging the pipes. They can also jam the moving parts inside disposals, causing them to overwork and eventually trip their circuit breakers.
  • Jams from solid objects: Here’s a good rule of thumb for what should and should not go down a garbage disposal: If you can’t chew it, your garbage disposal can’t chew it either. Put food leftovers like animal bones into the garbage, not the disposal. The same goes for un-popped popcorn kernels. In general, avoid treating the garbage disposal like an actual garbage. Non-food waste products—like glass, metals, and paper—should never go down there, or else or disposal could end up with a serious jam that will require a professional plumber to repair it.
  • Leaks: If your disposal is an older unit, loose screws and corroded gaskets can cause it to start leaking. In some cases, a repair technician can refasten the unit, apply sealant, or replace the gaskets to stop the problem. However, if the unit is extremely old, it may be better to replace it entirely rather than making numerous repairs.
  • Disposal won’t run: First make sure that the unit hasn’t become unplugged. Then check the reset switch along the bottom of the unit to see if it has popped out. If you reset this and attempt to turn the disposal on again, and it still won’t run (only producing a humming noise until the reset switch pops out again) then the flywheel is stuck. Call a plumber to help you dislodge it—don’t put your hand down into the disposal to try to loosen it.

Although you may get through a few days without a disposal, it’s a major inconvenience, and it will also mean that food particles will start going down your regular sink, leading to it clogging. If you can’t figure out how to safely get your disposal working once more, call for plumbing experts. Brooks Plumbing can provide you with the right plumbing repair in Tumwater, WA.

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What Is a Drain Snake and Why Do We Like Them So Much?

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

A typical scene between a homeowner and a plumber in Lacey, WA, courtesy of Brooks Plumbing:

Homeowner: I’m glad you’re here. This clog in my kitchen sink… I just can’t get rid of it.

Plumber: You’ve already tried a plunger, I assume.

Homeowner: Yes. It didn’t work. It must be a thick clog.

Plumber: You didn’t pour any chemicals down the drain, did you?

Homeowner: Oh, no! I paid attention to your advice from the last time. I know those cleaners are full of acids that can damage my pipes. And I don’t want that stuff accidentally splashing onto my skin or my eyes, or leaving fumes in my home.

Plumber: Good. You did the right thing by calling a professional for the job. I have just the tool to solve the problem.

Homeowner: What’s that? It looks a bit like a rolling vacuum cleaner.

Plumber: This is a powered drain snake. Sometimes we call them augers. Whatever the name, most plumbers really love them. They can get rid of tough clogs quickly and without damaging the pipes.

Homeowner: I’ve heard of drain snakes, but never understood how they worked.

Plumber: I’ll explain. A drain snake works something like a more powerful corkscrew on a long line. It’s a wound metal coil that rotates so it can pierce into a clog that’s blocking up the drain. The line is flexible so it can reach down far into your piping until it encounters the clog. The motor turns it so it screws into the clog. Then the snake can draw out the clog, or force it to crumble and break apart. Either way, it gets the drainpipe cleared away and can attack tough clogs of both organic or inorganic material.

Homeowner: Wait, aren’t there drain snakes that don’t need motors? And can’t I just buy one from a hardware store and do the job myself?

Plumber: Yes, there are manual drain snakes. And professional plumbers sometimes use those as well for simpler clogs. However, I don’t recommend you try to use them on your own. A drain snake, handled improperly, can end up causing damage to your pipes because of scratching. You should always call on a professional plumber in Lacey, WA when you’ve got a clog that’s too tough to handle. Besides having the best tools and knowing how to use them, we can also detect if there’s something else wrong with your plumbing that has caused the clog, such as a break in the sewage line.

Homeowner: Then I’m glad I called Brooks Plumbing.

Plumber: You can always trust us to deliver quality in everything we do. Now don’t worry, the drain snake will have your kitchen drain clear in no time at all…


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