Brooks Plumbing Co. Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

6 Fall Plumbing Maintenance Tips

Monday, October 9th, 2023
A woman's hand holding a paper notebook and pencil against the yellow leaves in the soft sunlight. Autumn mood, empty space for text

Fall is officially here in the Pacific Northwest! That means it’s time to bust out your fall home maintenance checklist.

What’s that you say? You don’t have a fall home maintenance checklist? Well, now is the perfect time to start one! That’s because as a homeowner, you need to do everything you can to make sure your home sails through our extended season of cold, rainy weather and short, dark days. The last thing you want interrupting your enjoyment of fall is having to call a plumber for a burst pipe or a flooded basement.

Let’s go over 6 essential fall plumbing maintenance tasks.

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7 Small Plumbing Issues That Can Become Big Problems

Monday, September 11th, 2023

When you’re a homeowner, your list of things to stay on top of is long. We know how much there is to do and how easy it is to overlook small things that aren’t causing any problems right now. However, the keywords here are “right now.” Just because a tiny problem isn’t causing chaos doesn’t mean it should be completely dismissed.

When it comes to your DuPont, WA home’s pipes and plumbing, what might seem like a minor inconvenience right now has the capacity to escalate into a costly, major repair. To avoid future disasters down the line, it’s wise to call for plumbing service before they worsen.

Here are seven plumbing problems that you shouldn’t ignore.

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How To Waste Less Water in Your Bathrooms

Monday, August 7th, 2023

Here in the Pacific Northwest, we’re blessed with an abundance of freshwater sources. However, that isn’t a free license to waste water. In fact, many Washington State homeowners pride themselves on their low environmental impact. Part of “being green” in the Evergreen state means not being a water hog. Using less water has other benefits besides the environmental benefits: it will also reduce your water bills, something every homeowner will welcome.

We often receive questions from homeowners about ways to decrease the use of water in the home. Let’s focus on some of the ways you can decrease your water use in the bathroom. From showers, baths, and toilets, bathrooms are the biggest water hogs in a household, accounting for almost half of a home’s water use. Here are some easy ways to conserve water that’ll save you hundreds or even thousands of gallons of water a year.

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Common Summer Plumbing Problems in the Pacific Northwest

Monday, July 10th, 2023

Summer is the perfect season for many fun activities we don’t do as frequently at other times of the year. Outdoor barbecues, camping, and beach trips are some things we enjoy here in the Pacific Northwest.

Summer also brings a host of plumbing issues that people don’t experience during other times of the year. Also, just having more family members at home during the day can make demands on your plumbing system that it isn’t used to.

Let’s go over four examples of summertime activities that might result in the need for drain cleaning in Olympia, WA.

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Warning Signs of a Damaged Sewer Pipe

Monday, June 5th, 2023

If you were to think about how much your home’s drains and sewer lines get used on a daily basis, it’ll make you wonder how they last so long without developing problems. In a year, the average family drains thousands of gallons of water, sewage, paper products, and grease through sewer pipes. All of this combines to significantly raise the risk of damage to a sewer pipe or the creation of blockages.

Homes that were built in the 1970s or earlier are particularly vulnerable to damaged sewer pipes because these were often made using cast iron. Because sewer line issues are something that no homeowner wants to ever have to deal with, it’s important to know all the warning signs that your home has a damaged sewer pipe. If you ever suspect an issue, be sure to call us for plumbing services in Lacey, WA.

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Why You Shouldn’t DIY Install A Water Heater

Monday, May 8th, 2023
Technician servicing an hot-water heater

So you want to DIY install a water heater. You’ve seen a few YouTube videos. You’ve got your eye on the model you want at the big-box hardware store. You consider yourself a fairly handy person. You’re thinking, “Why shouldn’t I install my water heater myself?” 

Well, we’re here to tell you the many reasons why DIY water heater installation is a bad idea no matter how many tutorials you’ve seen. From needing a permit to the many safety hazards, installing a water heater yourself is risky for several reasons.

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4 Common Bathroom Plumbing Problems

Monday, April 10th, 2023

There are some bathroom plumbing issues that are easy to ignore. A running toilet and a leaky faucet are some things you may be tempted to put off having fixed for as long as possible. 

However, there are some types of problems with your bathroom plumbing in Olympia, WA that shouldn’t be ignored. Unless they’re addressed soon, they can quickly become big problems. Let’s look at four of the most common bathroom plumbing problems so you’ll know which can wait and which should be fixed as soon as possible.

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Is It Time to Replace A Toilet?

Monday, March 6th, 2023

There’s a reason why the toilet is commonly referred to as “the throne.” The toilet is an essential plumbing fixture in your home. You need your home’s toilets to function properly because their failure to do so can result in worst-case scenarios such as an overflowing or leaking toilet.

The nickname “throne” conveys durability and stability, but just like any other household fixture or appliance, toilets don’t last forever and will need to be replaced. The question to be answered isn’t, “Does my toilet need to be replaced,” but “When does my toilet need to be replaced.” How do you know when it’s time to take this step with your bathroom plumbing in Tumwater, WA? Let’s take a deep dive into the answer.

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The Science Behind Plumbing Services

Monday, February 6th, 2023
high pressure pipe leaking

Plumbing isn’t exactly a topic that generates a lot of excitement and discussion. In fact, plumbing is more likely to be the “butt” of jokes rather than a fascinating topic to discuss at your next social event. Have you ever thought about the science going on behind the scenes in your home’s plumbing?

When you think about it, the science behind plumbing is actually quite interesting. Chemistry is essential to making your water safe to drink. Physics is the concept behind how water moves through pipes. And engineering makes it possible for your home to tap into the Earth’s water supply. Let’s take a deep dive into which science concepts will affect your need for plumbing services in Olympia, WA.

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Kitchen and Bathroom Sink Problems That Require a Plumber

Monday, January 9th, 2023

Your home’s kitchen and bathroom sinks are the workhorses of your house. They’re used multiple times throughout the day and despite their frequency of use, they rarely give you major problems. 

Although minor problems can be fixed by savvy homeowners, it’s important to know when to call for professional plumbing services in Olympia, WA. Sometimes calling in the pros is much easier–and cheaper!–than a DIY attempt.  

We often receive service requests for bathroom and kitchen sink issues that might seem simple, but that are really only easy for someone with the skills and expertise. Here are some examples of kitchen and bathroom sink issues where it’s better to call a plumber.

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