We live in Olympia, WA, which means that heavy rains and periodic flooding come with the territory. For homeowners, that presents a unique problem in the nature of backflow: non-potable water that travels the wrong way up your pipes and enters your home through the faucets or outlets. That can be a concern because water from the sewer can contain a wide variety of toxins – including human waste – that present a health risk to your family. The solution is a backflow prevention device properly installed by a trained technician. What is a backflow prevention device? Read on for the answers.
Brooks Plumbing Co. Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category
What Is a Backflow Prevention Device?
Monday, October 12th, 20153 Ways to Stop Frozen Pipes
Monday, October 5th, 2015We get our share of cold weather here in Olympia, WA every winter, and one of the biggest problems that can cause is frozen pipes. Water expands when it freezes, and if that water is in your plumbing system, it can create tremendous pressure on the pipes. Burst pipes can be a catastrophe if they aren’t dealt with quickly, and even if you react to them immediately, they will still incur a great deal of hassle and expense getting them fixed. It’s better to simply prevent the problem in the first place, and with temperatures still relatively warm, now is the time to do it. Here are 3 ways to stop frozen pipes in their tracks.
3 Good Reasons to Call in a Plumber
Tuesday, September 29th, 2015Plumbing problems are part and parcel of owning a home, and here in Olympia, WA, there are plenty of homeowners who may want to save a few pennies by performing repairs themselves, perhaps with the aid of an over-the-counter solution. In most cases, however, this can be a big mistake. Anytime you attempt to repair a plumbing problem yourself, you invite a whole host of larger issues that could turn a simple operation into a huge headache. Here are 3 good reasons to call in a plumber on any issue with your pipes, no matter how minor.
3 Methods of Leak Detection
Monday, September 14th, 2015With the possible exception of clogs, no plumbing issue is more common than leaks, which can bedevil even the most immaculately maintained plumbing system. A leak that spreads water across your kitchen floor is fairly obvious, but few of them announce themselves so readily. Indeed, many of them are so subtle as to avoid detection for month, which can cause far more damage than just the leak itself. Plumbers here in Olympia, WA can apply high technology such as infrared sensors and miniature video cameras inside the pipes themselves to pinpoint the leak. But before you can call them, you need to notice the leak itself and call for assistance. Here are 3 methods of leak detection you can utilize without the need for fancy equipment.
How to Tell if You Have a Slab Leak
Monday, September 7th, 2015Slab leaks are simple leaks that occur in pipes either buried beneath your home or actually embedded in the foundation itself. As such, they are extremely difficult to solve, which makes them one of the toughest problems plumbers have to face. They’re also equally difficult to detect, which means that they can cause a lot of damage before a homeowner finally spots them and summons professional help. No one likes dealing with a slab leak, but with a trained professional here in Olympia, WA, you can handle it as expediently as possible. Here’s a few ways to tell if you have a slab leak.
3 Types of Bathroom Sink
Monday, August 24th, 2015Along with your toilet and shower or bathtub, the bathroom sink is the most important factor to consider during a bathroom remodeling process. It’s one of the cornerstones of the space, and a spot where you’ll be spending more time at than almost anywhere else in your house. Accordingly, you want your new sink to match the aesthetic deigns of the new bathroom, but also follow some practical considerations. All of the style in the world won’t help you if you need to use the sink day in and day out, and here in Olympia, WA you need to look at the long-term functionality of your sink. Here are 3 basic types of model for you to consider, that can help with that issue.
Signs of a Problem with Your Sewer Pipe
Monday, August 17th, 2015The sewer pipe can be one of the most problematic parts of your plumbing, largely because it’s buried underground and takes a great deal of effort to reach. Add to that Olympia, WA’s traditionally wet weather and resolving an issue with the pipe can be quite tricky. The good news is that trained plumbers can use modern technology such as video pipe inspection to help resolve the issue with speed and efficiency. But before we can do our job, you need to be able to spot signs of a problem with your sewer pipe and respond appropriately. Here’s a short list of common symptoms which you should look out for.
How to Stop High Water Pressure
Monday, August 10th, 2015Modern pipes in your home are built to last, especially here in Olympia, WA where our wet weather demands rugged materials for home-building. But when the water pressure in them gets too high, even they might not be able to stand it. The plumbing in most homes is built to withstand water pressure of 80 psi (pounds per square inch) or lower, but the civic water services can sometimes increase that pressure to higher amounts. Hot water tends to exert more pressure as well, since heat expands the water and there’s only so far it can go in the pipes. As you may suspect, this can cause some serious damage. The good news is that there’s ways to prevent it with a little help from a qualified plumber.
Tanked vs. Tankless Water Heaters
Monday, August 3rd, 2015If you’re a homeowner in Olympia, WA, you probably have a traditional tanked water heater in your home. But why they do yeoman work, they’re not the only type of water heater out there. Tankless water heaters get rid of the bulky tank in favor of heating the water directly as it flows through the pipes toward your faucet or shower. The model offers a number of benefits over tanked models, though in some aspects, tanked water heaters do better for you than their tankless counterparts. Tanked vs. tankless water heaters: which is better? We’ve provided a quick breakdown below.
Common Problems With Commercial Plumbing
Monday, July 13th, 2015Commercial plumbing differs widely from residential plumbing, both in terms of the amount of use it sees and in the uniquely complex needs of each individual business. For businesses in Olympia, WA, that means dealing with specific problems that differ in many ways from residential plumbing. The plumbing problems themselves aren’t all that different – leaks, clogs and defective pipes are the norm just as they would be in a home. But the solutions require a plumber to take careful measures befitting the system in question, instead of applying the same techniques used to solve residential plumbing problems. Common problems with commercial plumbing can be resolved quickly, but they require a special touch.