Brooks Plumbing Co. Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

How Homeowners Know Their Plumbing Needs Replacement

Monday, July 4th, 2016

Naturally, when a plumbing problem occurs in your home, you want the issue to be resolved as quickly and inexpensively as possible. However, if you don’t invest in professional products and services, you may find yourself with pipes and fixtures that don’t hold up as long as they should, and therefore more problems than you started out with in the beginning.

There are times when instead of a quick repair, the more economical choice may be to replace your pipes, faucets, water heater, toilet, or other plumbing fixtures. Keep reading to learn some of the top signs that homeowners need to consider plumbing replacement.

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What Can Cause Your Toilet to Overflow?

Monday, June 27th, 2016

It goes without saying that no homeowner ever wants to deal with an overflowing toilet. Not only is this very often a messy issue, it is inconvenient and can even be costly should the water travel to other rooms in your home.

In most cases, you can either solve this problem with a plunger to remove an offending clog, or by calling a professional plumber. However, knowing what the common causes of overflowing toilets is can help you too, as you may be able to avoid running into this problem again in the future. No matter what the cause, it’s vital that you call a professional plumber to get to the root of the problem.

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Is it Time to Replace Your Toilet?

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

Bathroom plumbing is never anything fun to think about, particularly if you suspect you might have a problem with it. Unfortunately, ignoring potential problems can lead to expensive, messy issues. While it might be unpleasant to think about, your toilet is as important as any other appliance in your home and should be treated as such. But how do you know when it’s time to contact a professional plumber to replace your toilet?

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Is Your Commercial Building Suffering from Plumbing Problems?

Monday, May 16th, 2016

Whether you manage a business within a commercial building or own the commercial building itself, a plumbing problem is never something fun or easy to deal with. It is, however, an important factor to consider when leasing a suite within—or purchasing—a commercial building.

Learning about the most common commercial plumbing problems could help you be more prepared and maybe even avoid costly and inconvenient property damage. Keep reading for some of the most frequent issues.

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Springtime Plumbing Check-Up Tips

Monday, April 25th, 2016

Given how complex residential plumbing systems are, it’s important that you do everything you can to make sure they are working well and not experiencing any troubling symptoms. Springtime is the perfect time to check for any issues, so you can stay ahead of any plumbing problems as the weather warms up. Pay attention to the checklist we’ve shared below and let us know if you run into any issues or concerns.

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Beware of Bathroom Clogs

Monday, April 11th, 2016

Tumwater, WA homeowners always need to keep an eye of their plumbing, particularly in the bathroom. We use out bathrooms more than any other part of the house, and with the toilet, sink and show located there in nearly every home, that can be ground zero for clogs in your pipes. The good news is that a trained plumber can take care of it for you, though you should always call one rather than trying to take care of a clog yourself in any but the most benign circumstances. By understanding what causes clogs in your bathroom, you can prevent them from forming in the first place, and save yourself a lot of trouble. Here’s a quick list:

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Protect Your Home against Floodwaters This Spring

Monday, March 28th, 2016

When it comes to natural disasters, you want to do everything in your power to protect your home. One way to do this is by paying attention to your plumbing system and ensuring you are truly prepared. For example, you can protect your home against floodwaters by installing a sump pump.

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Why are Slab Leaks so Damaging?

Monday, March 21st, 2016

A slab leak is a leak that occurs underneath or within your home’s foundation, and is a very serious problem. Cracks, even minor ones, in any of your pipes underneath your foundation can cause severe water damage to your property. In addition to causing an increase in your water bills, damage from a slab leak can affect both the outside and inside of your property.

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What to Look for in a Commercial Plumbing Specialist

Monday, March 7th, 2016

Commercial plumbing systems are much different than residential systems in a number of ways. They must often support more people for starters, and in the case of buildings with more than one floor they need to compensate for bathrooms and other facilities on higher floors. In the case of restaurants and other food preparation services, the plumbing needs to accommodate the health codes and be able to support a fully operating business. Those are just a few of the distinctions, and where there are plenty of plumbers here in Lacey, WA, not all of them have the expertise in commercial plumbing that you need to do the job right. If you own a business or manage a commercial space, you want a commercial plumbing specialist to solve your issues, not simply a “plumber.” Here are some things to look for in such a specialist.

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Signs of Trouble with Your Garbage Disposal

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

The garbage disposal is an indispensable part of your household and you likely use it in some capacity or another every day. That’s good news when it breaks down in that you usually can tell immediately what the trouble is. The bad news is that it can throw your entire household for a loop. Here in Olympia, WA, there’s a service on staff who can repair or replace your garbage disposal, but spotting the signs of trouble can do more than alert you to a problem: it can provide a clue as to what that problem is. Here’s a list of some of the more common signs of trouble with your garbage disposal, which you should take the time to learn.

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