Brooks Plumbing Co. Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

Check for These Plumbing Troubles in Your Home

Monday, October 17th, 2016

Plumbing problems are never convenient, nor do they ever happen during a convenient time. Plumbing leaks are also very hard for the average homeowner to detect, as plumbing systems are—for the most part—hidden behind walls. Sometimes you won’t even know you have a plumbing problem until it’s too late and the majority of damage has already occurred.

Plumbing leaks are actually one of the most common plumbing problems we get service calls for, and they can cause a number of different problems from water damage to burst pipes. However, if you know what to look for then you’ll know when it’s time to call in our professional plumbers. Keep reading to learn more about what type of problems you should watch out for in your home.

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Do You Have a Plumbing Leak?

Monday, October 10th, 2016

Plumbing leaks are one problem that no homeowner wants to deal with. But just as they are unpredictable in nature, they’re also sometimes inevitable. Unfortunately, they’re also difficult to find without professional training and equipment.

If you’re aware of what to watch for, however, you may be able to identify plumbing issues before they turn into much bigger problems that cause significant damage. Here are some of the warning signs that you may have a leak.

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Maintain Your Commercial Plumbing to Avoid These 3 Problems

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

There are a number of things that can go wrong with any plumbing system. When it comes to your commercial property, you want to avoid this as much as you can. Sudden commercial plumbing repairs can force you to take time off from your job that you don’t have available, and can even cause a significant business interruption. If anything, it will certainly be an inconvenience.

When you have plumbing problems with your commercial building, you naturally know to call for repairs ASAP. But were you aware that there’s a way to keep these issues from cropping up to begin with? Commercial plumbing maintenance is essential to keeping the entire system clean and functioning well. Keep reading to learn about 3 of the problems you can avoid by scheduling commercial plumbing maintenance.

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How Can You Prevent Water Waste in Your Home?

Monday, September 12th, 2016

Clean drinking and potable water is one of the most precious resources we have in our homes, yet one that we often take for granted. Not only does wasting water hurt your wallet, but it also hurts the environment. As such, it’s important that we do all that we can as homeowners to ensure the proper allocation of this resource and ensure that we are doing our part to prevent wasting it. Keep reading to learn some of the most common water conservation tips.

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3 Tips to Prevent Garbage Disposal Disasters

Monday, August 22nd, 2016

Garbage disposal issues are probably one of the messiest, most inconvenient plumbing problems you can run into. Hopefully you’ll never have to deal with a disaster of this type, but the fact of the matter is that they do happen. And when you do have such an issue, you want a plumber you can trust to get your garbage disposal back in working order as soon as possible. Keep reading for 3 tips on how to prevent garbage disposal disasters.

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Are Low Flow Toilets Right for Your Home?

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Are you looking for a way to reduce the total water consumption in your home? If you’ve been battling high water bills it’s only natural that you want to find ways to save water, and thus money. One way to do this is by having a more efficient toilet installed, which has become a very popular home addition in recent years.

When low-flow toilets first came onto the market, many homeowners were hesitant to invest, unsure if they were really that much better than regular toilets. However, now they are much more efficient and the technology has been improved to the point that clogs and other problems are much less frequent.

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Identifying the Need for Commercial Plumbing Repairs

Monday, August 1st, 2016

Here’s the thing about plumbing issues: you likely don’t notice them at all until they are obvious. Perhaps your office kitchen floods or you notice the sound of rushing water behind a wall. If you’re a busy business owner, this is likely the last thing on your mind on a day-to-day basis, but if you let a plumbing problem get to this point then you are facing serious business interruption and costs. However, there are small—yet important—steps you can take to determine if you have a plumbing repair need before it becomes a catastrophe. Keep reading to learn more.

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Do You Need Sewer Line Repair?

Monday, July 25th, 2016

Nobody particularly likes to think about their sewer line. But since all the drains in your home eventually connect to this plumbing component, it serves a far greater purpose than it gets credit for. This drain gets a fair share of use each and every day, since it handles every drop of your wastewater.

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Four Reasons to Have that Leaky Faucet Repaired

Monday, July 18th, 2016

A drippy faucet or small leak underneath a sink can sure be a nuisance, particularly if you can hear it. However, many homeowners don’t see the need to get it fixed right away as it’s only a “small problem.” It may not seem like the biggest issue at first. However, professional plumbers recommend that you get your leak repaired ASAP, for a number of different reasons. We’ve highlighted four of these reasons below.

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Don’t Ignore These 3 Signs You Need Whole-House Repiping!

Monday, July 11th, 2016

Most of the time, and in the most ideal situations, when you have a leak or clog you can just call a professional for repairs and get the job done quickly. However, at some point your plumbing system is going to age to the point that replacing the pipes entirely is the safest and most cost effective way to protect your home from leaks and water damage.

As long as you keep your plumbing system regularly maintained, you shouldn’t have to worry about this for some time. It’s also important than you call a professional plumber right away if you notice any signs of trouble. Whole-house repiping is typically a last-resort option, however it’s an option nonetheless. Watch for the following 3 signs that it could be time for you to consider this service.

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