Plumbing problems are part and parcel of owning a home, and here in Olympia, WA, there are plenty of homeowners who may want to save a few pennies by performing repairs themselves, perhaps with the aid of an over-the-counter solution. In most cases, however, this can be a big mistake. Anytime you attempt to repair a plumbing problem yourself, you invite a whole host of larger issues that could turn a simple operation into a huge headache. Here are 3 good reasons to call in a plumber on any issue with your pipes, no matter how minor.
1. Experience Matters
Most do-it-yourselfers, even ones with experience, have likely only dealt with plumbing problems a few times in their lives. That can lead to a misdiagnosis, an improper procedure or even just an imperfect means of fixing the problem. Professional plumbers deal with these issues on a daily basis, and have the experience to accurately diagnose the issue and implement a solution that works the first time, every time.
2. Equipment Makes a Difference
Over-the-counter equipment often adopts a one-size-fits-all approach, intended to deal with a number of different problems the same basic way. Correcting a problem properly often takes specialized equipment – a snake with a rotating head to match the precise nature of a clog, for instance – which are more expensive than a layman would need for a single repair or two. Bu professional plumbers use such equipment far more often than laymen do, and as such can address your problem with the right tools for the job.
3. Better Safe than Sorry
If you undertake plumbing repairs yourself and something goes wrong, then any additional costs will be yours to absorb. But a proper plumber, licensed, bonded and insured, will tell you all of the costs before work begins, and if something goes wrong, then insurance can step in and cover the costs.
For all of these reasons and more, give Brooks Plumbing a call anytime you detect a problem with your plumbing system